Use "sterility|sterilities" in a sentence

1. May cause sterility.

2. Synonyms for Barrennesses include childlessness, fruitlessness, impotences, infertilities, sterilities, unproductiveness, infecundities, unfruitfulness, erectile

3. Sterility is some permanent factor preventing procreation.

4. She contemplated the sterility of her life.

5. Some of the chemicals cause cancer, some sterility.

6. This is the language of sterility.

7. Ovulatory dysfunction is a major cause of sterility.

8. 6 Sterility is some permanent factor preventing procreation.

9. Hybrid sterility is sometimes overcome by polyploidy.

10. Aphoria meaning (medicine, obsolete) Barrenness, female sterility.

11. The approaches for decreasing the gene flow include chloroplast transformation, pollen sterility, seed sterility, cleistogamy, apomixis, temporal control, and transgenic mitigation.

12. 4 synonyms for Asepsis: antisepsis, sterileness, sterility, antisepsis

13. Aspermia is one of the causes of male sterility

14. The disease can cause sterility in men and women.

15. This disease causes sterility in both males and females.

16. The phenomenon of female sterility is common in plant.

17. All are the major causes of ovulatory dysfunetional sterility.

18. 18 synonyms for Barrenness: infertility, sterility, sterilization, emptiness, nothingness, vacancy

19. Physically, the threat of mutilation, sterility and death is always present.

20. However, elimination of infection is the goal of Asepsis, not sterility

21. The change does not affect the sterility or apyrogenicity of the eluate.

22. A sterility test method for the Compound Sulfadiazine Zinc Cream was established.

23. Male - sterility mainly results from the abnormality of mesospore, tapetum tissue and vascular bundle.

24. The surgery is performed in the operating theatre of the Augentagesklinik Sursee, thus enabling absolute sterility.

25. Molecular marker for discrimination of ms3 (nuclear-genetic male sterility gene) and certification method using same

26. The problem of sterility is solved when seen through the eyes of kinship.

27. Sterility and abnormal floral structure may play important roles in maintenance of species identity.

28. This made guilt central to the relationship, built on fear and sterility of feeling.

29. A temperature of 121? ? C is regarded as the minimum necessary to achieve sterility.

30. Can cause paranoia, psychosis, sterility and flashbacks several years after the drug is taken.

31. Effective Transfer of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility from Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) to Rape (Brassiest napus L.) 1) W

32. 14 Can cause paranoia, psychosis, sterility and flashbacks several years after the drug is taken.

33. High doses of microwaves can lead to death, painful burns, blindness, sterility and gastrointestinal problems.

34. Antonyms for Bawdry include cleanliness, purity, sterility, immaculateness, immaculacy, whiteness, asepsis, freshness, cleanness and spotlessness

35. The basic reason for such sterility is that the two parents contain different numbers of chromosomes.

36. Over a bottle of wine, we shared our despair over the emotional sterility of our marriages.

37. 10 It was indicated that phytochrome is the photoreceptor of female photoperiod-sensitive sterility in PFSR.

38. Autoclaves and sterilizers at Grainger include autoclave sterility tape, saniclave, printer for records of sterilization parameters, and bioclave autoclave

39. According to The Times of London, survivors who absorbed heavy doses of radiation faced “almost certain cancer or sterility.”

40. Abnormal births , mutations , sterility , severe skin burns and lowering of body resistance against disease are other serious effects .

41. Sterility itself can not be selected for, as success would spell the automatic end of the line involved.

42. Side effects of chemotherapy may include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, bleeding, heart damage, immune suppression, sterility, and leukemia.

43. In maize, for example, there are two male-sterility organelle genes, each suppressed by a separate nuclear restorer.

44. Although what is selected for is an ability to grow on poisoned ground, sterility emerges as an incidental.

45. While homologous mutations in mice are often linked to anemia and sterility, no such effects have been observed in dominant white horses.

46. Indeed, “the absence of its own scent is stressful and may evoke abnormal behaviour and even sterility,” says the above reference.

47. Autoclaves and sterilizers at Grainger include Autoclave sterility tape, saniclave, printer for records of sterilization parameters, and bioclave Autoclave

48. The objective of Aseptic processing is to maintain the sterility of a product during the handling or preparation process

49. 20 In maize, for example, there are two male-sterility organelle genes, each suppressed by a separate nuclear restorer.

50. Defects of Anther development lead to pollen sterility, and therefore, reproductive control via Anther development is a major factor in determining plant yield.

51. So, some health care units have opted to work on abortions to reduce death and infection risks, sterility, and to reduce internment time

52. Sterility, Calvities, worms, paralysis, as well as clinical disorders caused by rheuma appear, along with gout/podagra, in many inscriptions too

53. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) guidelines suggest using sterile technique when Admixing antibiotics; however, the degree of sterility remains unclear

54. The main risks which different isolators (those used for both sterility testing and for Aseptic filling) are susceptible include [9]: • leaks;

55. Apart from similar words, there are always opposite words in dictionary too, the opposite words for Bawdry are Cleanliness, Sterility and Purity.

56. Dental operating unit consisting of original single equipment joined to each other through hoses and cables which allow operating under absolute sterility conditions

57. When married couples resort to artificial insemination, it is generally because of the husband’s sterility, and the donors of seed usually remain anonymous.

58. Defects in Anther development leading to male sterility are widely used in agriculture to increase crop yields (Tester and Langridge, 2010).In angiosperms, Anther …

59. Aneuploidy interferes with growth and development of an organism and frequently causes lethality and has been associated with disease, sterility, and solid tumors formation 2).

60. Therefore, Aseptic processing doesn’t generate sterile outcomes from non-sterile products, it only maintains sterility of already sterile objects throughout the manufacturing, packaging, or compounding process.

61. Ethrel, at concentrations of 0-0% (W/V), caused maximum sterility of the spikelet and pollen of the rice when it was applied in meiotic stage.

62. Aseptic Technologies develops, patents, manufactures and markets equipment that guarantee optimal sterility assurance level and complies with last regulatory requirements, while simplifying the validation and operation processes in the safest way.

63. • Reapply bacitracin or silver sulfadiazine and dry sterile dressing Absolute sterility is not mandatory during dressing changes; however, cleanliness and thorough cleaning of hands, sinks, tubs and any instruments used is emphasized.

64. In terms of cost/benefit, having the Biometrist clean and reuse the tubing is less efficient, with no guarantee of sterility, than using that time seeing other patients

65. Although Apyrene or eupyrene sperm defects impaired fertility of the mutated males, double copulation of a wild-type female with ∆BmSxl and ∆BmPnldc1 males could rescue the sterility

66. The reason for hospital admission was vague abdominal discomfort in five hepatomegaly and cholecystolithiasis in four each, hepatitis in three, achalasia, sterility and increased sedimentation rate in one each.

67. • Reapply bacitracin or silver sulfadiazine and dry sterile dressing Absolute sterility is not mandatory during dressing changes; however, cleanliness and thorough cleansing of hands, sinks, tubs and any instruments used is emphasized.

68. In our vertical flow enclosure with almost continuous absolute sterility of the air, the infection rate in primary total hip replacement is very low and less than 1%, including early and late infections.

69. Asepsis is a state of freedom from pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is not the same thing as sterility, where no such organisms are present, not even organisms not believed to be infectious

70. The author has tried to accumulate data on the reproduction modes of crop plants: autogamy and allogamy in the case of sexuality, involving self-fertility and self-sterility, and different means of vegetative propagation and apomixis.

71. The “first contact” act is undeniably confident and the final thematically purposeful scenes of the film are stunningly ambitious, but the pace of “Arrival” softens a bit too much in the middle and one notices the sterility of the piece overall.

72. Three factors were suggested to contribute to the reported higher level of F1 sterility in males than females: (i) survival of males with high numbers of breaks, (ii) crossing-over in spermatogenesis but not in the achiasmatic oogenesis, and (iii) a higher impact of induced changes on the fertility of males than females.

73. Observed mutant irregularities included (i) abnormal achene formation causing irregularly shaped seeds, (ii) delayed and irregular germination, (iii) delayed but normal leaf growth and leaf area, (iv) 66% reduction in stem height, (v) 50% reduction in shoot dry weight, (vi) 0.45% viable pollen formation, and (vii) 98.9% self-sterility.

74. Asepsis refers to the absence of infectious material or infection.Surgical Asepsis is the absence of all microorganisms within any type of invasive procedure.Sterile technique is a set of specific practices and procedures performed to make equipment and areas free from all microorganisms and to maintain that sterility (BC Centre for Disease Control, …

75. Family » Instances of infelicity in » Of jacob, the Bigamic jealousy between leah and rachel jacob » Descendants of Naphtali » Son of jacob and bilhah The tribe of Naphtali » Descended from jacob's sixth son Polygamy » Domestic unhappiness » In jacob's family Rachel » consequences of » Grief » sterility

76. HOW I Contemplated THE WORLD FROM THEDETROIT HOUSE OF CORRECTION AND BEGAN MY LIFE OVER AGAIN by Joyce Carol Oates, 1970 "How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of Correction and Began My Life Over Again" is typical of Joyce Carol Oates's fiction in its devastating portrait of the sterility of suburban life and the horrifying brutality of urban America.

77. The resort offers treatment mainly for gynecological diseases (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis, chronic metrosalpingitis, secondary sterility) but then also for generative, inflammatory and abarticular rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar spondylosis, arthrosis, polyarthrosis; articular painful conditions; tendonitis, tendomyositis, scapulohumeral periarthritis), posttraumatic conditions (after healed operations on joints, muscles or bones, after luxations and twists), peripheral neurological disorders (light peresis, sequelae after poliomylitis and after polyneuropathies), endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, after endocrinological treatment), cardiovascular diseases (varicose ulcer, acrocyanosis).